The FLOW International Drawing Competition, based in the Oder city of Schwedt, is one of the most important drawing competitions in Germany. The competition has a long tradition. The first competition took place in 1968. The then working title "Along the Oil Pipeline Friendship" became the programme. Countries along the pipeline took part in the competition. Over the years, this principle was overturned by social upheavals and changes in sponsors.
Every year, around 2000 children and young people from all over the world send their work to Schwedt in a wide variety of techniques and on a wide variety of themes.
The closing date for registration is 30 May each year.
After selection by an international jury, around 600 works are shown annually in the opening exhibition at the Uckermärkische Bühnen Schwedt and other public institutions in the city. This is followed by travelling exhibitions of the award-winning artistic works in the district of Uckermark and in the state of Brandenburg. Exhibitions on various themes are also held every year and presented abroad.
It pays to take part! In addition to attractive cash and non-cash prizes, each year the winners in age groups III and IV are invited to an art camp in Schwedt.
Schirmherr des Internationalen Zeichenwettbewerbes ist Steffen Freiberg, Minister für Bildung, Jugend und Sport des Landes Brandenburg. Träger ist seit 2012 der Verein der Freunde und Förderer der Musik- und Kunstschule ?J. A. P. Schulz? der Stadt Schwedt/Oder. Gefördert wird dieser einzigartige Wettbewerb durch das Ministerium für Bildung, Jugend und Sport des Landes Brandenburg, die Stadt Schwedt/Oder und den Landkreis Uckermark.